Big Brother recap: It’s time for either Jack or Michie to go home

With Jack and Michie on the block after Jessica won both the H.O.H. and Veto competitions, tonight’s Big Brother episode begins with punishments for both of the Alphas. To say they’re annoying would be a severe understatement. Michie’s is pretty brutal. For 24 hours he has to act as an alien physician, performing autopsies on bodies out in the yard. He’s called out so many times in that 24-hour period, and each time he’s left covered in paint. I despise Michie, but I almost felt bad for him here. That punishment sucks.

Jack’s is just as bad. He has an alien friend following him around, trying to learn about Earth. That means pouring coffee on the table, throwing food around, screaming all the time, and just generally annoying everybody in the house. These punishments don’t accomplish much of anything, but they’re fun enough as a distraction from all the drama for a minute.

But then, it’s back to the drama. The vote is coming up, and that means Jack is campaigning. He needs 5 votes to stay, and he already has Holly, Christie, and Tommy. He asks Nick to be his fifth if he can secure a vote, and Nick says he’s fine with it as long as Jack protects him in a future eviction ceremony. So, Jack goes to his best bet for a swing vote: Cliff. He says he won’t put Cliff up for eviction for four straight nominations. That’s a pretty sweet deal, and the Hoggfather has to think it over.

Then there’s Michie, who’s…not campaigning. Instead, he’s still sulking about everything, and then when Six Shooters try to clear the air before the vote, and everyone admits to some wrongdoing, he hops up on his high horse and lambasts all of them for going after him. It’s unbelievable! He’s so clueless and childish! In my mind, this behavior should send Michie home, but who knows with these people. Even Michie’s pre-vote speech is condescending and lacking in any self-awareness! Holly, you need to run.

Despite all the campaigning, and the offer to Cliff, Jack just doesn’t have the votes when everything’s said and done. Jessica’s initial target gets evicted by a 6-2 vote, and that means this game has truly shifted for the first time ever. And, as an added bonus, when Jack leaves the house Julie confronts him with video of his disgusting comments towards Kemi and Bella. I’m of two minds about this. On the one hand, it’s nice to see the show being proactive about the racist, bullying issues that have plagued Big Brother for a long time. On the other hand, it doesn’t go nearly far enough. Jack is so manipulative, so good at playing the part of the guy who’s sorry for what he’s done, that this is mostly a platform for him to forgive himself and tell his side while Kemi and Bella never got that chance, and are left telling the truth on Twitter instead. It’s immensely frustrating. Julie spent her interview with Bella rushing through it and mostly asking if she really loved Nick, but she gives Jack ample space to explain away his behavior. What a joke.

With Jack gone and his actions only slightly accounted for, it’s on to the next H.O.H. competition. It involves catapulting a kayak down a plastic river and trying to cross the finish line as close to 9 seconds as possible. It’s one of those quick “Let’s get this in before the live show cuts out” challenges, and by the end of it, Tommy has secured H.O.H. It’s too late to save his pal Jack, but now he controls the next part of the game, and that could be crucial now that Six Shooters have imploded.

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