Best Cold Sore Treatment From Nature

by Emily Smith
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If cold sore treatment is top priority for you right now, quickly read this short article. It reveals many outstanding cold sore treatment options from nature that you should begin using immediately.

Cold sores are always the result of the herpes simplex virus when it is actively replicating new virus particles. The end result are one or more blister-like sores on your lip or nose. These blisters are filled with a thick fluid and are very distracting to you and those talking to you. They usually come together to form a single, huge sore.

There is no known way to eliminate the herpes virus from your body, but you can slow down and prevent outbreaks with a few selected cold sore treatments.

One very popular cold sore treatment is with ice. Hold ice to the infected area for about 10 minute sessions at two hour intervals. This will help bring down the swollen tissue, and ease the pain.

Keep in mind, however, to stop using ice once the blister opens up. Then you switch over to hot compresses for fastest recovery.

A wet bag of tea will also be helpful. Hold the tea bag to the sore area for several minutes every 2 hours.

Also, it is an excellent idea to warm up the tea bag (do not burn yourself) and use it as a hot compress. Do this as 20 minute sessions at least four times each day to help relieve the troublesome symptoms.

Witch hazel is an excellent dryer and will encourage faster healing when used to dehydrate active blisters. Essential oils, such as peppermint or lemon, or the gel from fresh Aloe Vera can give soothing relief from your blisters.

Put a little household sugar directly on the blisters. Sugar is quite effective against bacteria, virus and fungal infections, and will help dry up the sore. Honey actually does a better job and is easier to apply.

Herbs frequently used for cold sore treatment include peppermint, sage, garlic and Valerian root.

Many of these actually offer up a natural source of anti-viral medication, which really helps with a speedy healing experience. Some also contain nutrients that greatly enhance your immune system for higher resistance to viral attacks.

Echinacea is a powerful herb and is known for its ability to quickly dehydrate cold sores. As an internal remedy, it is well proven against virus and bacterial infections.

Healing really accelerates when your sores dry up. Keeping the area well cleansed and the blister as dry as possible will help to a great degree. When a blister opens up, you are susceptible to a secondary bacterial infection. This is why cleanliness is so important.

Drinking sufficient water each day helps cleanse and strengthen your body in its fight against this virus. Some folks stay away from alcohol because they find it can trigger their outbreaks, although wine can actually help.

Alcohol will dehydrate you and weaken your immune system, both of which will render you susceptible for an outbreak of cold sores.

If you find yourself getting a lot of cold sores, you can slow them down dramatically with just a few changes in your habits.

Stress is the most common trigger for cold sores. Explore methods of lowering your stress levels – Daily exercise is a very good idea and it greatly reduces the bad effects of stress. Try to limit sugar and other foods that cause acid in your system.

All the herpes viruses are extremely contagious so there are things you should avoid when coming into contact with others.

Avoid kissing and sharing cups, towels, or eating utensils with an infected person. Lack of care and cleanliness will often be the cause of virus spread. If you are infected, wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your eyes, face and genitals.

Without a doubt, however, the easiest and best cold sore treatment is preventing them from occurring. Following a healthy way of living is always wise, and especially helpful in keeping outbreaks to a minimum.

Be sure to test a variety of cold sore treatments to sort out which work best for you. There are some very good web sites where you will find a lot more cold sore treatment ideas, along with exact directions for best success.

Remember, watch what you eat, get some regular exercise, limit alcohol intake, take some good daily vitamins and get adequate rest. All these things will enable you immune system to work at peak performance and lessen the quantity and severity of your cold sores.



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