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Sue Jones
Empty plinths colorfully spray-painted with social justice slogans now punctuate the South’s grandest boulevard. In the aftermath of the May 25 killing…
- Nature
Moderna’s clinical trial just entered phase three. Here’s how mRNA vaccines work.
by Sue JonesA promising coronavirus vaccine candidate hit another milestone this week, when Moderna Therapeutics began phase three of clinical trials. The move signals…
Eduardo Segovia was eating at a restaurant in a small coastal town in Guatemala when he met Telma Nineth Segura Coronada. He…
Editor’s note: This is a translated excerpt of a story published by National Geographic Brazil. You can find the full story here…
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For Monique Greenwood, this year started strong. She celebrated 25 years as proprietor of Akwaaba Bed and Breakfast Inns, and business was…
If you want to pinpoint an organ that’s key to fighting COVID-19—and to understanding why the disease is so hard on older…
Asset 5arrow-downarrow-leftarrow-rightarrow-uparticleAsset 31Asset 2Asset 7Asset 6Asset 7Asset 15Asset 16cartAsset 51cart-filledAsset 52checkAsset 50Asset 3chevron-upchevron-leftchevron-rightchevron-upclosedouble-caret-downdouble-chevron-downAsset 55double-chevron-upAsset 56email-newemail-filledAsset 14Asset 2fullscreen-closefullscreen-opengallerygallery-filledAsset 15GlobegridAsset 17grid-filledAsset 18headphones-newheadphones-filledAsset 19heart-filledheart-openinteractiveAsset 73linkAsset…
They walk in circles and appear dizzy before suddenly dropping dead, sometimes face-first. No one knows why. Over the past several months,…