Mother of six! Angelina Jolie has more than a handful of children in her brood, so it’s no surprise that the actress…
Sue Jones
Back at it. Nearly three months after suffering a heartbreaking miscarriage, Lauren Burnham and Arie Luyendyk Jr. are officially trying to get…
Weighing in! Dean Unglert‘s girlfriend, Caelynn Miller-Keyes, is close friends with Cassie Randolph so he knows a few things about Randolph’s recent…
The final chapter in the history of the universe is expected to be rather bleak. Physicists believe that countless billions of years…
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For many extreme travelers, the end-all-be-all destination is a remote, dangerous place like Antarctica or Mount Everest. But there’s a whole community…
When wolf hunting season opened in Alaska on August 1, it became legal in many national preserves for hunters to kill nursing…
The Maldives archipelago in the Indian Ocean includes 1,192 islands. In 1992, the government added one more—an artificial construct that serves as…
Winter break had arrived in Stockholm in late February, and Soo Aleman watched as her fellow Swedes departed the capital city for…