Environment 28 May 2019 Do they have a future?Education Images/UIG via Getty By Adam VaughanThe number of African elephants being slaughtered by poachers annually has more than halved, with the decline linked to waning Chinese demand for illegal ivory. South-east Asia’s burgeoning demand for illegal wildlife trade products saw elephant poaching surge in the late…
Emily Smith
- Lifestyle
Medical News Breast cancer spreads through the body in just two or three waves
by Emily SmithHealth 28 May 2019 A migrating breast cancer cellsSteve Gschmeissner/SPL By Clare WilsonMost people who die from cancer are killed by cells that have spread through their body, but we know relatively little about how they spread. Now a team has genetically sequenced the secondary tumours of 10 women who died from breast cancer, and found that there are…
- Lifestyle
Medical News Even dim candlelight before bed is bright enough to disrupt sleep
by Emily SmithHealth 27 May 2019 Can’t go out like a light? Sleep loss could be due to light sensitivity before bedStuart O’Sullivan/Getty By Clare WilsonYou may have heard that bright lighting in the evenings can disrupt your sleep. But it turns out some of us are more sensitive to this effect than others. A new study…
[ad_1] What is An Entitlement? The definition of entitlement with regard to land development is the legal method of obtaining approvals for…
[ad_1] What is an information security management system? Information security management is a bundle of processes that companies implement in order to…
[ad_1] Air pollution affects so much more than just the air we breathe. Everything living has a need for clean, breathable air,…
[ad_1] Timber is a synonym of wood. It is used for flooring purpose. You can make your home and office more attractive…
[ad_1] Here are a couple examples of problems you might see on the Lower Level ISEE along with their solutions. VERBAL IMPOVERISHED(A)…
- Lifestyle
Medical News Minecraft competition will challenge AIs to become expert engineers
by Emily SmithTechnology 25 May 2019 AI’s will have to learn how to build a diamond in MinecraftNintendo By Donna LuCan you work out how to mine a diamond in just 4 days? That is the task artificial intelligence will be set in a new competition. The MineRL competition will kick off on 1 June and will take place…
Environment 24 May 2019 Methane is a worse greenhouse gas than carbon dioxideGary Greenberg/Getty By Adam VaughanLevels of a powerful greenhouse gas jumped again last year, continuing a surge in the past few years that researchers still cannot fully explain. Atmospheric concentrations of methane climbed by 10.77 parts per billion in 2018, the second highest…