Bloomberg Stocks

Approach Your Personal Brand Like a Project Manager

Approach Your Personal Brand Like a Project Manager

The truth is, everything you do that’s visible to other people in some way — be it in real life or online — will factor into your personal brand. It’s important, therefore, to ensure you’re taking steps to convey the right messages. The authors apply the principles of project management to personal branding and outline…

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When Keyword Poaching Pays Off

When Keyword Poaching Pays Off

Competitive poaching refers to the practice of bidding on ads for a competitor’s search terms, in order to poach customers searching for that brand. It’s a common tactic in the world of digital ads — but is it effective? The author shares results from the first-ever empirical study of this practice, which found that poaching…

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Balancing Autonomy and Structure for Remote Employees

Balancing Autonomy and Structure for Remote Employees

Employees want full autonomy to choose where and when they work. Data from the new Jabra Hybrid Ways of Working 2022 Global Report finds that this increased autonomy contributes positively to an employee’s work experience, boosting factors such as motivation, productivity, trust, and mental well-being. However, one major concern that leaders have expressed is the…

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Find Joy in Any Job: How Do I Improve the Role I Have?

Find Joy in Any Job: How Do I Improve the Role I Have?

April 21, 2022 A lot of us are feeling unhappy and disengaged at work – and that started long before the pandemic. A big part of the problem, says Marcus Buckingham, is that we don’t take the initiative to do more of  the tasks that we truly love. After identifying what most energizes and excites…

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How VCs Can Overcome the “Winner’s Curse”

How VCs Can Overcome the “Winner’s Curse”

When many investors bid on a target start-up of uncertain value, a common result is that the winner pays more than the target is worth. Winning can thus become more of a curse than a blessing. In this article, the authors explain the dynamics of the ‘winner’s curse” and suggest that investors should consider adopting…

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Don’t Buy the Myth that Every Startup Needs a Co-Founder

Don’t Buy the Myth that Every Startup Needs a Co-Founder

Common wisdom suggests that when it comes to launching a startup, you need co-founders. But a new study finds that solo founders can in fact be successful — if they have the support of co-creators. Co-creators are individuals or organizations that play a critical role in helping a founder build their business, but without receiving…

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