Acrylic Painting Techniques – Layering, Wet-On-Wet And Blending

by AVA
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Painting with acrylics is exciting. You can create your landscape and your portrait painting projects using thin to thick coatings to accomplish an exacting texture. As an artist do you like to use a mix of acrylic painting techniques?

Layering is one of many acrylic painting techniques. It is a brush stroke application which artists may use in painting on their work surface of paper,canvas, fabric, wood, glass, and many other surfaces.

The paint may be thin as water for a see-through appearance. You can layer acrylic paints repeatedly to create the illusion a well as the tactile feel of a rocky road or tree bark.

You may wish to prepare your acrylic paper or your canvas to receive a layer of background paint. Use a soft brush to make a series of horizontal, vertical, or interweave strokes with a soft brush to apply the wet-on-wet technique.

Are you preparing a sky? It is suggested that you cover your canvas horizontally. As you layer colors of white, blue, lavender and pink you will begin creating a sunrise, sunset or a beautiful blue sky with light fluffy clouds.

Blending is an acrylic painting technique that is wonderful in creating a sunrise or a sunset. As you apply the acrylic layers it will become evident how the colors blend. You will not see where one color begins and where another ends.

Are you preparing a lake scene or other water formations?

Utilize vertical brushstrokes at the coastline creating a reflective look by pulling down the edge of the coastline with your brushstrokes into the water. Your strokes can be as short or as long as your wish.

Brush with a very light touch horizontally and this will create water with its reflection to appear lifelike. Insert narrow to wide streaks of white or other chosen color to separate the coastline edge from its shoreline.

Use vertical strokes for tall and upright structures. Fill gaps and other surface areas where texture is desired with interweaving strokes. I have also found this painting technique fills background paper peek-a-boos and sets a background for shrubbery and other vegetation.

You may wish to layer often. The more you layer the more acrylic paints become bright and deep with their tint.

As you use layering you will discover many coatings of acrylic paints will portray your landscape and portrait paintings as though they were oil paintings. Often times it is difficult to recognize if a work of art is acrylic or oil.

Learn how to paint landscapes and portraits with acrylic painting techniques. Visit the hobby page of Tricia Deed at and review Portrait Painting With Acrylic & Oil Paint.



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