Evaluating Your Business Communication – What Works and What Does not in Your Client Communications?

by Lily White
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How is your communication going with your customers, clients, and prospects? You should ask yourself this question from time to time so you can make any necessary adjustments in how you communicate with your key audiences. Here is a quick and easy way to evaluate five key areas so you can decide how to move forward, see more success, and extremely great cash flow.

1. Stop: What do you want to stop doing in your business? For example, maybe you want to stop receiving so much "junk" in your in-box. One way to do this is to unsubscribe from the lists of those emails you do not read, but file for "someday." If you have not read something in a month, it's time to let it go. What else do you want to stop doing in your business? Maybe you want to stop attending meetings that are not fruitful for you. Whatever it is that is not helping you or could be hurting you, figure it out and stop doing it.

2. Start : What do you want to start doing in your business? Are you ready to start an ezine? Would you like to begin going through your stack of business cards to re-connect with people you have already met who may not be on your list yet? Think about what would make the most sense to start doing for your business. Another idea is to start communicating on a more personal level with your clients and prospects by sending birthday, holiday, or hand-written greeting cards.

3. Keep: What's working great that you want to make sure you keep doing in your business? For example, I like networking at social network websites like Ryze. I've found many opportunities for my business by communicating through Ryze. Although it takes some time to keep up with posts, I plan to keep "Ryzing" as we call it there because being active with others via Ryze has been great for helping me grow my business and find helpful resources.

4. Less: What should you do less of in your business? One goal could be to have fewer prospects fall through the cracks of your communication system. Organize what you need to do to lose less business before you even get it.

5. More: What would you like more in your business? OK, yes, money. What else? Still sticking with money? Fine. Then figure out how. More money could come from getting more leads into your funnel. Good. How? More leads can come into your funnel through more local public speaking. A ha. There it is. More public speaking. (Or more article writing, or more networking meetings, etc.) Get it? What will you do more of to help your business grow?

By applying these questions to your business you'll be well on your way to evaluating where you are and then creating business success instead of floating in the breeze. Remember: the key to a successful business is effective communication!


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