2018 Is an 11 /2 Year – A Year of Inspiration, Acceleration and Relationship

by Lily White
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The year 2018 marks the beginning of a number eleven year cycle for the planet. We get the number eleven by adding 2+0+1+8=11. An eleven is a Master number. In numerology numbers like 11, 22 and 33 are considered master numbers. A master number has a higher vibration than the normal single digit numbers. In layman’s terms it’s a turbo year!

2017 was a one year and hopefully, you were busy laying down the foundation for how you wanted to see things flow into your life for the next nine years. Many of you started something new last year like a business or a project. Others saw their careers take off or got in a serious relationship. New beginnings are normal in a one year.

2018 has a dual meaning because there are two numbers involved – eleven and two. Eleven, as I mentioned above, makes it more of a turbo year. If you are seriously working on something the chances of success or making major strides in your efforts are more likely to happen this year. Your intuition is also heightened in an eleven year and it is best to follow your hunches, ideas or gut feelings. An eleven year can bring you overdue success and recognition.

It is also a two year because when you add one plus one it equals two. A two year is about relationship. This, by my rule of thumb, means the advancement you seek is based on relationship. It is determined by how you relate to yourself, your environment, your career, your health, your family or love. This is a year to take your time and pay attention to the details of your life, because you may be blocking yourself from reaching the ultimate success you deserve.

If you have a relationship with clutter at home, you may want to end it if it means succeeding as a mortgage lender. Or if your relationship with food is not one of the healthiest, this should be the year to get that relationship under control if it means allowing you to be more creative in your artistic endeavors. Examining and working on improving your relationship with a friend or loved one can open the pathway for improvement in your health. Is this the year you stop being a doormat in your love relationships? How we relate to things and people in our life determines how and if we are able to succeed at anything. I once heard that… “how you do anything is how you do everything.” If you knew that by improving your relationship with money, such as creating a monthly budget, that you would cause a shift in your life and you could manifest the love relationship that you have been yearning for, would it be worth doing? That is how energy works. It doesn’t flow in absolutes, there is cause and effect.

In 2018 if you are not soaring high in the vibration of the eleven, you are at the base camp of a two frequency. Success can be obtained in either camp because success is in the details.

This is a year to take your goals to the next level. Listen to your inner voice. Examine your relationships and clean them up. We all have something that needs to be addressed. Don’t let your ego block your blessings. Above all, plan Big and play Bigger! This is a year that can make a difference in your life, but you have to be proactive in the game. Choose to reign supreme in 2018!


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