The animated comedy The Venture Brothers — which ran for 7 seasons over 17 years — is finally coming to an end on Adult Swim.
Sadly, fans will have to say goodbye to the Venture family which includes teen brothers Dean and Hank, their scientist dad Rusty, the family bodyguard Brock Sampson and a vast array of bizarre yet hilarious supervillains and henchmen.
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Show creator Christopher McCulloch (who writes under the pen name Jackson Publick) confirmed on Monday via Twitter the series will be ending. The writing team was in the middle of working on season 8 when they received the news, he said.
“Unfortunately, it’s true: ‘Venture Bros.’ has been canceled,” McCulloch tweeted. “We got the highly disappointing news a few months ago, while we were writing what would have been season 8. We thank you, our amazing fans, for 17 years of your kind (and patient) attention. And, as always, we love you.”
Actor James Urbaniak tweeted his appreciation at being able to voice Rusty Venture for so many years.
“So, as it must to all, cancelation has come for The Venture Bros,” Urbaniak tweeted on Monday. “The pilot aired 17 years ago, which means the show was almost old enough to vote. It was one of the great gifts of my life & career. The fans were, quite simply, the best. Thank you, everybody. Go. Team. Venture!”
Adult Swim said it was looking for a way to continue the story with McCulloch and co-writer Doc Hammer, according to Variety on Monday. So perhaps all is not lost.
“We also want more Venture Bros. and have been working with Jackson [Publick] and Doc [Hammer] to find another way to continue the Venture Bros. story,” Adult Swim said in a statement.
The series was one of the longest-running original series on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim. Its pilot episode first aired in 2003.
Fans shared their love for The Venture Brothers on social media, asking other networks to save the show or perhaps crowdfund another season to be aired elsewhere.