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How to Knit a Lace Shrug

by Lily White
0 comments 172 views

This classic shrug is the perfect project for knitters who are looking to try complex lace knitting. Using only one or two skeins of fingering weight yarn, it’s less of a commitment than a large shawl. However, it will give you a good feel for what knitting complex lace is like, so it’s a great way to ease yourself into advanced projects. The lace stitch pattern will have you working yarn overs and decreases from the wrong side as well as the right side of your knitting. It will require quite a bit of your attention, but the simple shape of the shrug keeps things from getting too complicated.

knitting laceshrug supplies

  • 1 (1, 2, 2) skeins of Spud and Chloe Fine yarn
  • 3.5mm/US 4 knitting needles or size needed so 24 sts and 16 rows of the lace chart measures 12cm by 6.4cm (4.75in by 2.5in)
  • Yarn needle
  • Scissors

Cast on 121 (121, 151, 151) and leave a long tail remaining.

knitting laceshrug CO

Row 1: P2, *k1, p1; rep from * to last st, p1.

Row 2: K2, *p1, k1; rep from * to last st, k1.

Repeat the previous 2 rows 7 (8, 8, 9) more times.

Next row: P7, [p2tog, p3] 22 (22, 28, 28) times, p4. 99 (99, 123, 123) sts.

knitting laceshrug bottomrib

Work rows 1-16 of the lace chart repeating the center section 1 (1, 2, 2) more times.

knitting laceshrug chart
knitting laceshrug lacerepeat

Repeat rows 1-16 of the lace chart 3 (4, 5, 6) more times.

knitting laceshrug lacerepeat all

Next Row: K7, [m1, k4] 22 (22, 28, 28) times, k4. 121 (121, 151, 151) sts.

Next Row: *P1, k1; rep from * to last st, p1.

Next Row: *K1, p1; rep from * to last st, k1.

Repeat the previous 2 rows 7 (8, 8, 9) more times.

knitting laceshrug toprib

Bind off leaving a long tail.

knitting laceshrug BO

Block your knitting so the lace opens up and it measures 48 (48, 60, 60)cm by 26 (32, 38, 44)cm or 19 (19, 23.5, 23.5)in by 10 (12.5, 15, 17.5)in.

knitting laceshrug blocked

Seam the top and bottom of the vertical edges together along the height of the ribbing using the long tails from your cast-on and bind-off.

knitting laceshrug seaming progress

This forms the armholes and joins the ribbing in a circle. Weave in any remaining ends.

knitting laceshrug seamed

Wear your new lacy shrug over a cute summer dress to add a little color and texture to your look.

knitting laceshrug Final 03

It’s a great trans-seasonal knit to add to your wardrobe.

by Andi Satterlund

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