RBI Grade B Is An Exceedingly Competitive Exam

by Lily White
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The questionnaires and course outline of the RBI Grade B exam are analogous to other competitive banking exams. There are four major papers you need to focus on while preparing for the exam; Reasoning, English language, Quantitative Aptitude and General Awareness. The segments cover extensive subjects, and you must be familiar with the syllabus and exam pattern of the previous exam and know the weightage of each topic that would be coming in the 2022RBI grade B exam. RBI has published new courses and exam patterns for all posts, including DR (General), DEPR (Department of Economics and Policy Research) and DSIM (Department of Statistic and Information Management).

Provide correct information

To join DEPR and DISM, you need to join specialist care. Before applying for the RBI grade, B exam, know the eligibility criteria, and you need to pay the requisite fee while online applying. The eligibility of the candidate is determined at the final stage of the exam, that is, the interview. If it is found you have furnished erroneous/false information during the online application or if the board finds the candidate is not eligible for the post, his/her application will be rejected, and you will not be permitted to appear for the interview. If the person has already joined RBI, he/she can be removed from this ground by giving notice. To prepare for the exam, appear for the RBI grade b mock test frequently.

Online Mode

The prelim exam of the RBI Grade B exam is on online mode and consists of four segments, the total marks for all sections are two hundred, and the allotted time to complete the paper is two hours. To pass the exam, you need to score a minimum mark for each paper as well as in aggregate. Specific time is prescribed for each paper, and further information is provided along with the admit card. For a wrong answer, 1/4th of the mark will be deducted.

Exam structure

For general awareness, eighty marks are allotted for eighty questions and the time of the exam is twenty-five minutes. In English language and Quantitative Aptitude, thirty questions and thirty marks are allotted for each with a duration of twenty-five minutes for each. The reasoning paper comes with sixty questions with sixty total marks duration for the segment is forty-five minutes. The total time fixed for all papers is one hundred twenty minutes, two hundred questions and two hundred maximum marks.

The reasoning paper encompasses tabulation, coded inequalities, alphanumeric series, puzzles and data sufficiency. Quantitative Aptitude questions involve profit and loss, data interpretation, work and time, mensuration, and mixture and alligations. In the English language, you need to solve paragraph completion, cloze test, reading comprehension and multiple meaning. In general, awareness subjects cover monetary plans, the Indian banking system, and banking vocabulary.

To prepare for the exam RBI grade b mock test is an effective tool, as the questions are based on the latest syllabus and pattern. The mock test papers are crafted by banking professionals who have served the banking industry for years. The prelim mock test strengthens your skill and prepares you for the next phase. There is a mock test for the main exam also that involves subjects such as economic and social issues, finance and management.


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