Rooster by Picasso

by AVA
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Rooster by Pablo Picasso is a remarkably simple piece which helps to demonstrate the qualities or genius of this famous Spanish artist. Picasso is well remembered today for Rooster and other similar pencil sketches which show off an imaginatively simple portrait of carefully selected animals which the artist felt he could best portray in this style. Roosters clearly have certain key points that help the viewer of the work to distinguish them from other similar birds and animals. Rooster sits with other Picasso sketches as the best examples of his illustrating skills, with others including classics like Penguin, Camel, Dog and Cat although the total list is much more considerable.

Pablo Picasso spent his entire life devoted to producing art as many different formats as possible with little regard for following traditional conventions. Picasso was someone who loved to innovate as best he could and the Cubist modern art movement is the best example of his impressive influence and legacy, with many art fans devoted to studying the best art prints and paintings to have come from this style. Cubism was began by Picasso and a group of other notable artists of that period and many other art movements have since formed that take great influence from Cubism and the ideas behind it.

Rooster, Penguin, Camel, Dog and Cat all display as a series the skilled ability of Picasso in drawing and illustration. These talents were also put to good use in laying the groundwork for the more complicated oil paintings that would always require a base of sketching at the start. In many ways Rooster helps to communicate the basic skills of Picasso which he would add to in other art mediums.



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