When I was 16 years old my dream job was to work in the electronics industry, I loved electronics. But my careers officer advised me the best thing for me was to do art. Great! I was always drawing and at school I always had the first prize for my artwork, drawing was a natural way of life for me.
So with the advise from my teachers, parent and course my careers officer off I went to art school to study "Technical and Pictorial Illustrations" at an art college in Kent, England.
We were to learn everything to do with art, from painting, sketching, technical illustration and perspective.
Perspective, what is that? Well it was the beginning of a love affair that blossomed into one of the greatest love of my life. It changed the whole way I thought about art and the world around me.
My main lecturer was a man called George Nicholson who was a master of perspective, and I loved this old man. He made me understand perspective and the reasons for it. For someone who drew so much I suddenly found myself starting all over again.
At the end of the two years intensive course I was the only one that passed the exam that had a total of 26 students.
Since that period my jobs were such that perspective was not the main part of the work but I lived and breathe perspective. Every drawing I looked at I would find fault with the perspective and the way the artist went about it, but never said anything about what I could do about it!
All I ever wanted to do was to show every artist how to draw using perspective to create the correct image. Lets face I am old enough to say it but most artist are lazy when it comes to learning how to create a real drawing that has an outstanding sense of feeling and reality. Because they can draw it makes them unique!
I have seen so many portraits, landscape and technical illustrations that is so poorly drawn that I started to lose faith in a lot of artists in whatever media in was presented in.
But after over 30 years I saw something that made me stand up and got angry, mad at what these people were doing to perspective that I wanted to do something about it. But what could I do? The people I was angry with were the most respected bunch of guys in the world of computer graphics and I have worked with them over the years and had great respect for a group of individuals that dedicated themselves to graphics on our computers.
They started a revolution, a transformation that changed our lives and wave us fonts and all manner of things, with list that would be too long to go into here, that I felt bad just thinking of the situation.
The company is Adobe. Anyone in computer graphics in any way would have heard of these guys. From Illustrator to Photo Shop the list is endless. I myself have Adobe CS4 and love the fact that after all these years working with them I am still around because of this famous and celebrated company.
But when in the early part of 2010 Illustrator CS5 came out I was shocked, the thought of upgrading was cancelled, and my whole thought about Adobe was in a mess. You see for the first time in over 25 years the company had introduced perspective to Illustrator and it was a mess, yet like me over the years, no one had said anything detrimental!
Every post and article I read about Illustrator CS5, no one had noticed it looks, that the perspective was not correct, appalling perspective, junior grade, yet everyone raved about it and Adobe collected millions of dollars for nonchalance work. But still what could I do? What could I say?
I started researching and looked all over the Internet for answers but still I found nothing of great value. I wrote to Adobe regarding my frustration about the mistakes I found with the perspective used in Illustrator CS5 and had no answer.
Then I found EzineArticles and started to do a search and still no one had any solid idea it looks, about perspective. Yet the articles were great and were written with great skill yet no real value about perspective, people from all walks of life and with passion and wonderful writing skills. But so often the picture is painted with so much inaccuracy I can not tell you how I feel. Take a look here and lets analyze this statement from someone who had received a BFA.
" To put things straight, in a perspective drawing, the viewer is assumed to be at a distance from the actual drawing. distortion, as stated above, is known as foreshortening ".
OK, lets look at the statement …
1. The viewer is ALWAYS at a distant, this is not an assumption, it's a fact, and how often do we view an object that is touching our eye!
2. In perspective ALL objects are scaled accurately by the use of measuring points.
3. The only reason a circle is oval is when you view it at an angle, stand over a cup and it's a circle, move away and it becomes an ellipsis, a circle in perspective.
4. A square that is placed outside of the 'cone of vision' will appear as a 'trapezium', which would only be caused by creating perspective incorrectly and therefore wrong!
5. None of these are 'foreshortening'. Take a pencil and hold it in front of your face, now lower the top of the pencil towards your face about 45 degrees, the pencil seems shorter in length and perspective is applied, that is foreshortening.
Yes, EzineArticles is where I will start I thought, let my frustration out; tell people how I felt, so here I am.
The next thing, start putting a website together to teach perspective, a Membership Site that I will aim start in the New Year, 2011. Perspective is something we ALL use every day yet we ignore it because our brain does all the work for us; however, to put in paper or canvas we lose the plot.
Too many article writers have made a problematic a complicated issue when it's not at all! The beauty of perspective is, once you have learned perspective, you will SEE perspective and the technical stuff will be stored in your head, the brain is where perspective belongs and it will help you in all manner of drawings, even photography.
I want to show perspective drawing from another perspective and I will do my utmost to put Adobe to shame until they correct the flaws in this great program call Illustrator.