7 Interesting Occult Secrets to Developing Intuition

by Emily Smith
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It’s that feeling of doing something that “just didn’t feel right”, and then have it all end up badly? Perhaps you just had this huge hunch that something is about to happen, and to your surprise, that intuitive feeling was eventually converted into reality? These inner feelings that we automatically stifle are a product of the subconscious mind and are key factors in our survival. We don’t hear that little voice we call intuition, dismissing that nudge within that often guides us. We suppress it and then wonder why it’s not there.

When you have intense feelings about something without any logical basis it’s called intuition. It comes in three concepts. First we have clairvoyance which literally means nothing more than “clear seeing”, sensing clearly and feeling through listening.

Clairvoyance is a term that is typically used to refer to an extraordinary ability to sense things that cannot be perceived through the scientifically recognised five senses, when your eye goes beyond what it can see.

Sensing clearly is fundamentally what we refer to as that “hunch” or “gut feel.” This synonym for extra-sensory perception or consciousness of an event outside of seeing, hearing, tasting touching or smelling is the time when you are overwhelmed with a certain feeling that you can’t explain and all you can say is “I just know.”

Alternatively, feeling through listening or clairaudience is the ability to hear beyond the normal range of hearing. Although hearing is not an accurate word to use to describe clairaudience as the ‘hearing’ is not done with the ears. It’s a sound selected through thought projection in the mind. We know there are millions of messages flowing in and out of this energy system we call our body every day. If life at the lowest logical level is energy, and energy has wavelengths, and sound has vibrations, isn’t it possible to consider this is very real? Intuition can happen when a certain general sound, whatever that may be guides us with a profound feeling.

Why would we need to develop intuition? Why not just allow our emotional and psychological status to remain the same? To begin with, intuition encourages good communication. It makes you hypersensitive to the people you find yourself in close proximity to. However, the reliability of one’s intuition appears to greatly depend on previous knowledge and incidents in specific areas. For example, someone who has had experiences with children will have a more reliable, amplified instinct or intuition about what they should do in certain situations involving children.

The crucial point here is that there are several levels of consciousness involved. Intuition comes from a deeper level of thought. That place where your senses home in on your environment and then radiate signals such as goose-bumps or a little giggle when the moment of understanding strikes. Think of intuition as like a muscle, it grows stronger when you use it in a regular, healthy way. Treat it as a gift that can be unlocked and developed in the following ways:

1. Self-Hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is self-induced. It’s a heightened approach to concentration and focus. A person who elects to interact in self-hypnosis will not require anyone’s help, apart from initial training, but simply the willingness and skill to follow suggestion.

2. Meditation

Meditation may not be for everyone but it is beneficial to people who like to get their minds off any current hang-ups or get their minds to focus on one thing.

3. Positive Thoughts

Thinking positive thoughts allows the daily movement of life to be effortless and worth living. It brings medicine to the heart and puts life in the bones.

4. Letting Go

One of the biggest obstacles in life is letting go of the past. We get so consumed with ‘what was’, ‘what if’, ‘why’ and ‘if only’, that we are unable to let go of the past, preferring to live in the past instead. Occasionally we have to listen to the voice within, and that voice wouldn’t come out unless we let go.

5. Do Not Expect.

After letting go of inhibitions and everything that stops you from thinking and feeling clearly, never expect an immediate answer. Never expect that the “hunch” will fall into your lap straight away. Surprising answers will appear soon enough.

6. Trust Your Judgement

First impressions count and can be the deciding factor in friendships. For instance when you meet someone for the first time and think he or she is too arrogant for your taste, the chances are that first impression actually holds true. Most times, first impressions are created by intuition.

7. Cultivate Happiness

Happiness is not a destination. It’s a positive feeling of appreciation, gratitude and contentment about our present situation created by acknowledging all the good things in our lives. Start developing your intuition now and begin to reap benefits you could previously only ever imagine.



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